Saturday, 29 June 2013

Oh I'm Tired!

Oh my gosh I've been so tired lately! Just twenty minutes ago* I awoke from an eleven hour sleep! Usually I sleep for seven to thirteen hours, so it's a bit average for me really. Anyway!

Lately I've been writing lots of blog posts but for some reason they aren't being saved (maybe I'm just silly). It gets a bit frustrating trying to write about a movie you didn't like for the third time, so often I just end up leaving it. I haven't done too much this week, but sure I'll tell you about it anyway.

On Tuesday it was my cousin's seventh birthday. I gave him Mario Kart DS and a stylus. The cakes were fantastic! He had two that my aunt made. Then there were fairy cakes (by moi) and rice krispie cakes by my other aunt. Here's one of the birthday cakes:

It had four layers of sponge! Epic!

On Wednesday myself and my friend Katelynne went into town. She had an interview for a job. After that we wandered a little bit as neither of us had any exciting ideas for things to do. A lady stopped us and after a chat we prayed (mhmm). She literally said "did you know Jesus said '__(I didn't catch what he said)__.' Well now we are going to pray. Repeat after me!" It was odd and SO hard not to laugh. I am Christian, but that kinda stuff doesn't happen to you every day!

I tried on Tuesday and Wednesday to make a new video, but I failed both times. Today I will be third time lucky! So I'll have that new video for you later on or tomorrow. :) Now to do my make up - blehhh!

*at time of writing. The post failed to publish so it was actually 12:48 yesterday when this was written.

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