Friday 15 August 2014

New Blog!

So, I've decided to change to Wordpress. I will be running a different (better) blog over there. It's if you want to check it out. It will have regular posts (I swear!) on my life, books, my new videos, etc - all the while looking ten times more awesome. Be sure to go check it out if you'd like. There's not much up there at the moment except my portfolio, but next week it will start to be bursting!


Friday 2 May 2014

I'm a Blogger Now (Again)

In a bid to avoid my horrifically boring and difficult college work, I've decided to restart my blog. I've recently come to love making YouTube videos again - a few months back it began to feel like a chore - so I've decided to give blogging a go again for a couple of reasons. I can't really say that I was into it much beforehand, but after seeing how forgetful I am for one thing (you really have no idea) and how great fellow contributor Vicky Kavanagh's blog is, I've realised that a blog could come in handy.

First of all, I am terribly forgetful. Anybody who knows me in real life will be able to vouch for this. Often I can't commit to plans because "that date sounds like a day where there's something on." Usually there's not, but I may double-book myself one day. Who knows. But anyway, in a bid to stop being forgetful and to start remembering things, I am now blogging. I want to actually be able to remember things in the future, such as what I've done and who I've done them with. 

Journaling wasn't for me, although I did try. I have a journaling* app called Day One on my iPad, which I even set to remind me to write in it twice a day. That didn't work. I've tried vlogging, although editing was always a pain. I have only ever completed a whole of one vlog. I did plan on putting random vlogging footage from the past year up during the summer (I was so excited for my London ones), but my external hard drive broke recently, with everything on it. Devastated is not the word. Now I'll have to restart from scratch! 

My life isn't exactly interesting enough to vlog anyway. Generally I go to college, go home or to my Nanas, go onto the internet and sleep. That's it. I might do some exercise too, but nobody wants to see the sweaty aftermath of that.

The second reason is because I like to write. I write not-so regularly on Medium, but often on my iPad. I may as well use some of that creative energy for things that I can share with the world, right? *...silence...* Well I thought it was a good idea!

So, that's why I'm here. I'm going to blog. Really this is me procrastinating. I've a lot of college work to do and probably not enough time to do it. Silly me wasted my two weeks off for Easter in the ultimate procrastination session. In fairness I did start one essay, I'm on my fourth page of a short story (sure I already had two done but whatever) and I did some work on my YouTube channel, so I'm doing well for me.

Uhm, so yeah. That's it. Bye?

*journaling probably isn't a real word.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Stardust Memorial Park Follow-Up

As promised in my blog post "Stardust Memorial Park," I've some more pictures here for you. These are to show - as my lecturer describes it - the "political aspect" of the park. The political aspect here is how humans have affected the park and the wildlife. I only have a few photos as I mainly concentrated on taking lovely photos of the swans while at the park, but I hope that these will still get the message across.

The park is right on the border of a housing estate. 

These are two swans I hung out with in their littered lake.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Autumn Movies List 2013

Seeing as it's now suddenly Winter again (whaaaaat?), it's time for me to update my movies list. I'm very aware that I haven't done "Movie Night" in a while, but I'm busy so I'll be doing it soon!

To be honest this list is longer than I expected. I thought it would be half the length of the summer one (seeing as I counted summer as May to August and had so much time off) but I only watched four less films. I've watched a few on TV that I never took note of too. It's quite surprising to see the length of the list! Anyway, on with the Winter Movies List!

If you're ever looking for a good movie to watch, tweet me @jessiblah and I'm sure I can recommend a few!

Movies I Have Seen:
  1. My Fake Fiance
  2. Shutter Island
  3. The Tigger Movie
  4. You Again
  5. Case 39
  6. Revenge of the Bridesmaids
  7. Paul Blart: Mall Cop
  8. Romeo & Juliet (1996) x2
  9. Romeo & Juliet (with commentary turned on)
  10. The Bounty Hunter
  11. My Girlfriend's Boyfriend
  12. Serendipity
  13. Morning Glory
  14. The Back-Up Plan
  15. Romy & Michele's High School Reunion
  16. The Cider House Rules
  17. Celeste and Jesse Forever
  18. The Experiment
  19. Alice Upside Down
  20. Dan in Real Life
  21. Gambit
  22. It's a Boy Girl Thing
  23. Labour Pains
  24. 32A
  25. Seabiscuit
  26. Safe
  27. The Perfect Man
  28. Never Been Kissed
  29. Angus, Thongs & Perfect Snogging
  30. Timecode
  31. Blue Velvet
  32. The Searchers
  33. Winter's Bones
  34. Ender's Game
  35. Strictly Ballroom
  36. The Switch

Movies I Want to See:
  1. The Bourne Identity
  2. The Bourne Legacy*
  3. Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging*
  4. Shutter Island
  5. Life of Pi
  6. The Expendables
  7. The Experiment
  8. Parkland
If you would like to see my summer list, here you go!

* I've seen these already

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Stardust Memorial Park

This week I've gotten my laptop back fully fixed which means it's a lot easier for me to update my blog. So get ready for more posts!

Over the weekend for my photography assignment, I took photos in the Stardust Memorial Park. It's in remembrance of all the people who lost their lives in the Stardust nightclub. There was a fatal fire which killed 48 people and injured 214, out of the 841 people that were there. 

I enjoy taking photos because until I get home and look at them, I don't really notice how cool the can be. I figured I'd put up a few of my favourites here.

On Thursday I'll have more pictures of the park up, but they'll be a bit different.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Update on my Life


So I'm quite aware of the fact that I haven't published a blog post in a while. I do have a few 90% finished, but they're not quite there yet.

I've just realised how exciting the rest of my week appears to be. Today it's my aunts birthday (cake *woo*)! My tutorial for today was cancelled too, so I'm off two hours early! Also tomorrow (aka Friday) is a busy day beginning with college - we're doing vox pops! I love doing vox pops. After that I'm meeting up with Christine (one of my favourite friends) and that evening I'll be heading to a different community radio station to meet with the station manager about getting my own Irish show! As if that wasn't enough, on Saturday I'll be heading out to Facebook to work with in redesigning a page on their website. That morning could go one of two ways - 1) I'll be doing my radio show as usual on NearFM or 2) I'll be meeting the Minister for Children. I'd like to grill them but to be honest I've no idea about anything in politics. It is something that I'd love to learn more about, so feel free to teach me in an unbiased way!

It's 12:18am and I should be asleep so I may write more tomorrow.


Tuesday 17 September 2013

Busy Busy Bumble Bee

To begin with, I'm sorry for having no movie night ready for this week. I've been quite busy deciding on how I will proceed with the next year (time-wise and financially). I've officially begun college you see, which has left less time for films, writing, exercise and so on. It's just dawned on me as I'm writing this that it is only Tuesday, and that I have a few half-ready movie nights prepared so I may finish one of them later. If you miss reading what I have to say, I wrote a "oh I'm trying to be funny" article for anseo.

College is interesting. I've met some people who I believe that I will grow to be fascinated by. It's my hope to become a fascinating individual myself by the end of my four years at DIT, but I'll allow you to be the judge of whether I accomplish that. I'm also hoping to learn more about the world, become opinionated (rather than hearing other peoples opinions and often going 'hm, I agree. Yes that's now my opinion too') and to do what is arguably the most important thing in college - get a degree!

Next week I will be joining some clubs and societies. I'm excited to say the least. I'm unsure as to which I want to join as I don't want all of my free time taken up, but it's quite difficult to choose. Meanwhile I'm searching for a job, so feel free to hire me if you wish. I'd really like to work in a pub I think. I don't know why, but I just do.

I feel like I'm whizzing around the place sometimes. All I need to do is buzz like a bumble bee and I could easily* be mistaken for one. I'm figuring out right after I've completed this post when I'm going to start making YouTube videos again. They were fun! I'll keep you posted** on that!

*by a blind person with very limited hearing

** posted, haha! Get it? Posted? Blog post? Not funny? Oh right well ehm... Bye!